They had no oTher choice

Ya Basta!
Porque mi casa es un disasta
and that's tha
reason your money is growin fasta
you put it in a bank
and thank a good return
but every dollar of interest
is a dollar that you earn
off other people's labour
the exploited workin cLass
or off your poor neighbor
the invisible colored mass
that has tolerated hatred
they had no other choice
you filled the streets with bLood
the bullets louder than their voice
and you cleaned off your utensils
with porn, TV, and toys
made up a fake history
imported so much noise
sports team's statistics
round robins and playoffs
a follow the leader education
that doesn't really payoff
but your lies are so old
your imagination not unique
look at the People's Poets
we the harvest that you reap
we'll meet
your hate with Love
take the street
for those we love
we are not weak
because we love
we are all free
and so we love
but as long as there is still
slave and masta
we'll put our hands up

Ya basta!

JuLez, ApriL 15/07


SoLidaritY ForeVeR

the peopLe hoLdin sTrong
cuz the peopLe know itz on
even in the fuTure, man
that concepT wonT be gone
as Long as there is hurt
and not a proper pLace to work
the needLe wiL not stitch
the cLerk wonT seL a shirt
and if the media says
that we’re startin a fued
together we will rise
and say ‘NO’ we’ve been screwed
and we have to include
how the Laws have been skewed
bring back the broken promise
that this country is for us
we’re the onez that buiLd it
so the contracts must be just
and stiL therez so much more
that us workerz can expLore
we see the gLobaL gore
therefore we canT ignore
the money behind the war
what FREE TRADE is really for
billions for them
what about us??
we workin for our famiLy
and they treat us with disgust
our labour in the market
you need it – then respect
solidarity here and now

or even better yet. .. .

JuLez - ApriL 23/07


move da crowd thatz waht MC meanz

'if we were put here to carry a great weight
then the very thingz we hate
are here to buiLd muscLes'
broTher aLi is where itz at! !!Posted by Picasa

The Inter Viewz with me by me

Yo Bro,
How you come and rock it
so eLemenTaL??

i Rock the microphone
Like it was a penciL
i draw a picture
teL a story
or trace a stenciL
cuz geTin the PoinT across
is waTz FundemenTaL!
i taLk about my Loss
and watz detrimentaL
expose the governement
in wayz hard and gentLe

and your name is 4Life Rite?
Yo! wat does that mean??

That i fight with aLL my might
for what is true and what is RiTe
At firsT sight the LighT is BrighT
and at too great of a height
but if you Let your eyez adjust
you’L see creaTion of LiFe
peopLe pushin a Lie
faced with true wonT repLy
so i deny my feeling shy
and stand up for all of life
and im willing to die
for the proper answer 2 why

Yo Man! That hit was deep!
Yo! how do you Keep??

if you really wanna find
you gotta begin to seek
i see the strength is sharing Love
and admitting I am weak
God made us all unique
so i perFecT my Technique
open up my criTicaL mind
and have physique when I speak
i wanna be a soLdier
but I aLso Love to teach
at times i feeL a gLove
Landing on my riTe cheek
and someTimes Monday comes
at the end of the Week
when I hear the drumz drum
i become one with the beat
and no matter what goes down
I aLwayz rize to my feet

Word! That bit was Fresh
And you were even Droppin KnowLedge!
You Musta LearnT that somewhere... .
Maybe University of College?? !

Yeah .. . . i picked up some there
But Really I got if from God
Lettin me talk to peopLe
that couLd Lift the Facade
And waLkin riTe beside me
even though the timez were hard
Teachin me abouT my spirit
even though my body is scarred
I disregard the popuLar piLL
with which the companies KiL
and when I was born
my body was fiLed
with my parents spirit
behaviour and wiL
i have so many ideals
that I keep as real
and I try so hard to stay in tune
with what it iz i feeL

Man! You comin Fresh.. . .
deep and dope
Your faith is comin through
and you got so much hope
I aLso Like your poinT of view
But what more can you Do??

Well.. . .
I can kik 17 bars man. .. .
Just for you??! !!

Yo! That would be tight
Just Let me turn on this Light



17 Barz. . . cuz fuck 16 industry shiT

itz true. and itz been a whiLe. buT thingz 4 me are rite were i Left off pLus the additions of Life. aL Praise to God and power to the peopLe. Because the peopLe hav the power!

My Lyrics are all solid
yeah, just like my word . . . (soLid!)
God is only one (one..one. .. one . .. one)
but also second and third
im not sure if you heard
but itz good to be pure
if you feelin how im healin
let me hear you say word
wasted words want to live
and they will if you give
time and space to verbal waste
and you choose to have no taste
place yourself in the position
where your decision will cure
not only your addiction
but the sufferin the poor
i assure... . .
life won’t be a drag
if you stand up against the forces
that are upholding the bad
ingnore the TV ad
tellin you: you wish you had
recognize the real and fake
say ONE if you awake
and feel the ache of our mistake
when you see a spirit break
man! HipHop won’t ever stop
if you let the beat drop
put that beat on repeat
and with the mic show what you got
that here iz seventeen

n im only passin what’s been taught

JuLez in the kizzous yo.. .. im back. Let's see if i can keep this up =P
one Love for aLL at aLL timez
ApriL 20th 2007 - itz 4-20 but there ainT no need to smoke!