They had no oTher choice

Ya Basta!
Porque mi casa es un disasta
and that's tha
reason your money is growin fasta
you put it in a bank
and thank a good return
but every dollar of interest
is a dollar that you earn
off other people's labour
the exploited workin cLass
or off your poor neighbor
the invisible colored mass
that has tolerated hatred
they had no other choice
you filled the streets with bLood
the bullets louder than their voice
and you cleaned off your utensils
with porn, TV, and toys
made up a fake history
imported so much noise
sports team's statistics
round robins and playoffs
a follow the leader education
that doesn't really payoff
but your lies are so old
your imagination not unique
look at the People's Poets
we the harvest that you reap
we'll meet
your hate with Love
take the street
for those we love
we are not weak
because we love
we are all free
and so we love
but as long as there is still
slave and masta
we'll put our hands up

Ya basta!

JuLez, ApriL 15/07


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