Time Iz Now

Many times my thoughts escape
And shape into somethin new
So I try n contain them
Maintain the same frame n view
But the thoughts are all tangled
All twisted n mangled
And you know they’re blazin hotter
Than any 3-D graffiti
In the form of bright light
To being dark n seedy

It just be human tendancy
to swayz both ways
gotta take a deep breath
and look past the haze
recognize that were in a maze
and that at this phase
we’re all lost
who can put the cost
for blowing up a mosque

To you American beast!
You American cop!
You’re a travesty
To civilized society
Time to freeze and stop!
When you go abroad
To another place
You’re another race
But the case iz
You wanna be treated like Americans
But you’re a fraud
In the US you chase
And culture you waste
So you change faces
Force people to act like Amercians
It’s like you’re fans
Of putting things in cans
When you’re able
Sucking out culture and identity
N marking things with one label
You’re one chip on the table
It’s time for you to be humble
You already mumble
And bumble your words
you’re never going to make a touchdown
you’ve fumbled the world
and we all saw you drop it
it’s called the snowball effect
and you can’t stop it
Revolutionists rise
The time is now!

-JuLez (February 2005)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern:
Can it get ...any better.... can it???????
Pride 4 what u do...
That and a bit more is all I offer.

NY Luv.... BX MX califas

10:59 AM MST  
Blogger JuleZ said...

To Bronx aLLstaR, Reppin Cali4-nigh-A to low MExiCo!!.. . . YO!! WoRd LiLz. I'm trying to let my light shine bright and it creeps through the cracks, and then I hear your words and aLL the barriers are smashed leavin a concentrated glow where I once stood. How could I ask for what you offer?? to get it puts freedom in my soul, echo in my voice.. . . lights a path to walk on. Straight up thanks LiLy!! youR waY to Kind, and youR much aPPreciaTed. I'm humbled, but I'll keep givin it my aLL. One Love.

1:48 PM MST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u'r fucking hard core.. even in u'r comments everyhting seems to go, to rhyme w/ the firts word followed by the next... mi cuerpo se pone ...shivers... i lo q siento no se esplica facilmente,
Keep U'r head up...way UP!!!!
Keep doing what u do. NEVER STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:12 PM MST  

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