wE cAn dO so MuCh beTTeR

WaterrRrRrRrrr. . . .. . . LiFe!! ! ! !

The thing is.. … . if we don’t start caring for our earth in a sustainable way, we’re all going to die. The same way 1300 children under the age of five die of thirst every day in Ethiopia, there will be a million people who die EVERY DAY because they don’t have the opportunity to come into physical contact with the kind of water that comes out of our tap today.
So when will we all begin to use all our resources in a sustainable way?? When the count reaches 7.83 million people dieing each day because of the misuse and abuse of resources their parents and grandparents took as a comfortable way of living??
Does the jingle I very recently heard, the dilution of pollution is not a solution, mean that it’s not acceptable to be dumping toxic waste into our water sources, even if it’s only a ‘small’ amount?? What if we, the human race, buy 183 billion liters of bottled water a year, and as the plastic bottles wear down over time, poisonous toxins are released into our ground water??
The Scarcity of fresh water is the same problem as global warming, deforestation, overpopulation, and the lack of understanding that we ware in a constant, everlasting relationship with the earth, and absolutely everything in it.
Our environmental situation is not a mystery and we are still capable of sustaining life forever. But when are we going to start??
Oil companies are given. .. . pretty much, unlimited amounts of water. . .. for, pretty much for free. The oil industry uses water in completely unsustainable ways, which will not let the water stay within the natural cycle of rivers, evaporation, and rain. The water is lost forever. The oil companies responsible have zero accountability to the public. Our government allows it. The people who know about this in its fullest extents cry out. And are not heard.
In a nearby city, where the water situation is already in crisis, the local government approved the expansion of a hog slaughter house. Where they will go from killing 45 000 hogs a day to slaughtering 80 000 hogs a day. So to consequently also further stress the water availability, and again, put the interests of business before the interests of the citizens they have been elected to represent.
We must choose life over profit. Life over money which we will never see in any way, shape, or form, other than as gross statistics, exotic vacations, and immoral mansions. How are we going to make a difference??. .. . When??. . . . are we going to make to live differently??
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