Let me tell you a little story
about the slave master.
Use a whip on your ass
so you behave faster.
You got chains on your neck
and the Man's respect.
You'll work all damn day
but you will never see a check
In the field
Cotton you yield.
Your skin peels
off your back
From the crack
of the whip.
It won't heal.
Ya wish you had a shield
'cause he wields iron
So when you act up
he smokes ya
and keeps firing.
And it's tiring.
Forget about recreation.
One wrong move
and it's death you're facing.
White motha fuckaz
got the ball and chain
On your leg,
and in the form of religion
on your brain.
They say,
"You the devil."
You say,
"Who the devil?!?!"
Some of us was house niggers.
Some of us was rebels.
Some tried to get along
the best they could.
And didn't nobody use the phrase,
"It's all good!"
Would you?
They got you living like a shrew.
They throw you pig lips and chicken gizzards.
Then you make a stew.
They give us a white Jesus
to appease us.
We talk among ourselves
and hope nobody sees us.
They had our brothers beating us.
Called us createns
plus monkeys.
They just junkies
mistreating us.
The master said,
"If you don't whip 'em,
you're dead!"
It was fucking with his head,
but he beat us instead.
And we bled.
Red blood
flowing like a flood.
Then he'd rape your mother.
Stick her face in the mud.
They were ruthless!
If you tried to front,
you'd be toothless.
Some tried to run
even though it seemed useless.
Virginity was torn.
Soon babies was born
that was half white.
And now his skin
is kind of light.
You think you're special,
because they let you
Oversee the carnage?
But I bet you
Will get hung,
even if you stick out your tounge.
'Cause they pull out the shank
and stick it right through you're lung.
Now it's 96
and white people say,
"Forget it.
It's all in the past."
And some even regret it.
'Cause they think
we'll set it.
Now my missions
to get federal
So I can raise a black family
with a true devils
And you know
how that goes.
- DeL the Funky Homosapien (exerpt from Slave Master)
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