Welcome to the beggining of theme beamin dayz of the week. It's an idea I had a little while ago, and am goin to try and stick to for as long as it it gots some flavouR. Money mondays are goin to be around Tupac, his poetry, life and this will pretty much still for any day of the week cuz I won't limit that at all, but for sure on monday's I'll try and post Lyrics from his best and iLL'st shit. And so to shorten down Makaveli Mondays, I just straight dub'd it MakaMon. The other day I have thought of so far will be just any dope allstart Rapper who rips the mike, or is off the wall different, like BucK 65. and that's gonna go down on WiggittyWiLdWheNzDayz.. . . I'll have to think of something for tomorrow, so lets see how thta turns out. Todayz wonderful masterpiece iz the first Track of off Tupac's Album that came out and was Number one while he was in Jail - Me Agianst the World. I gotta nothin to Lose, cuz it's just.. .
So you might recognized the poppin P's pleasingly pronounced properly by Pac, and if not, maybe next time you wiLL.
They say pussy
and paper
is poetry
and pistols
Plottin on
fore they get you
punk niggaz
coppin pleas
weed as I
position myself
to clock G's
My enemies
in suicidal
Never to
the wicked shit
that they was facin
is packed
with presidents,
pursue your riches
the playa hatin
while hittin switches
Bitches is bad-mouth,
cause brawlin motherfuckers
is bold
But y'all some hoes,
the game should be sold
I'm sick of psychotic
save me
Addicted to drama
so even mama
couldn't raise me
Even the preacher
and all my teachers
couldn't reach me
I run in the streets
and puffin weed
wit my peeps
I'm duckin the cop,
I hit the weed
as I'm clutchin my glock
Niggaz is hot
when I hit the block,
what if I die tonight
- Tupac (If I Die 2nite)

LiLz, i hoPe you LiKe: Frida KahLo from JuLY 6, 1907 to JuLY 13, 1954
We know
of an ancient radiation
That haunts
dismembered constellations,
A faintly glimmering
radio station.
While Frank Sinatra sings
Stormy Weather,
The flies and spiders
get along together,
Cobwebs fall
on an old skipping record
- Cake (Frank Sinatra)
So you might recognized the poppin P's pleasingly pronounced properly by Pac, and if not, maybe next time you wiLL.
They say pussy
and paper
is poetry
and pistols
Plottin on
fore they get you
punk niggaz
coppin pleas
weed as I
position myself
to clock G's
My enemies
in suicidal
Never to
the wicked shit
that they was facin
is packed
with presidents,
pursue your riches
the playa hatin
while hittin switches
Bitches is bad-mouth,
cause brawlin motherfuckers
is bold
But y'all some hoes,
the game should be sold
I'm sick of psychotic
save me
Addicted to drama
so even mama
couldn't raise me
Even the preacher
and all my teachers
couldn't reach me
I run in the streets
and puffin weed
wit my peeps
I'm duckin the cop,
I hit the weed
as I'm clutchin my glock
Niggaz is hot
when I hit the block,
what if I die tonight
- Tupac (If I Die 2nite)

LiLz, i hoPe you LiKe: Frida KahLo from JuLY 6, 1907 to JuLY 13, 1954

We know
of an ancient radiation
That haunts
dismembered constellations,
A faintly glimmering
radio station.
While Frank Sinatra sings
Stormy Weather,
The flies and spiders
get along together,
Cobwebs fall
on an old skipping record
- Cake (Frank Sinatra)
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
bx.. lil
The littLe bit i've gotten to know of her has marked my spirit. She is so strong and so in touch with herself. BeautifuL and masterfuL art!! I dig everything about her I've seen. and I love Diego Rivera too, even though he broke her heart.
One Love
Just... had time to re-read the whole thang.... your great...
every single thing you post... seems to relate to life... in such a deep way... all the people ... the great ones ... Pac's Sh*t is... Ice...
personas como tu asen falta... mucha falta en este mundo... much respect, and proud to b latin...
NY... 1 luv
Thanx..por la pic..
ThankYou Thank YoU LiLy!! Me questa explicar la fortalesa que le das a mi espiritu. iLL be your humble servant for as long as I may serve. I keep reachin points where I just don't know what more I can do.. . what next could possibly be better than the last. and it's all just a repeating beat of hoPe and LoVe, and so I stay afLoat!
One Love LiL, the picture sayz so much. And I know I can't even ImaGinE what the things that went through her head were. Pain and Suffering, LoVe and eternity, but SOoOooo much more. Yo siento La misma falta, de la que hablas, y te veo a ti como un rayo de esperansa, y como un ejemplo de amor. Yo se que somos muchos mas, pero adonde estan?? Y porque no estamos unidos trabajando ?? Las preguntas me sobran... . .
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