TransLatin The Transmission

So . . I think that we are each made unique and that the gifts we are give have been dispersed in such a way that when we come together they are one. One thing iv reaLized im good at doin is expLainin concepts, ideas, and feeLings.

This song is in the name of Justice and so that peopLe who don't know may know. it's for us aL to have more consciousness of what the probLems are and so that we may have courage to stand up with everything we have!

one God. one peopLe. one Love.

Things aren't as complicated as
left over matter from nuclear fission
but they still comin quite complex
so I'm translatin the transmission
And i'm not pretending to understand
quoted encoded inquisitions
Because I do!
one day!

I made the decision
to educate, n elevate
and optimize my own vision
people who think the problems are just gonna go away
man! They're straight blind
and! they're just wishin
and I'm not fishin for answers
how could i

when the waterz dried up?
due to global warmin pollution
makin us literally sick and fed up
let up
on all those
illigitimate thingz that you do
transnational corporations Im lookin
and I'm talkin to you
democratization of you multibillionz
iz what you fear most
but itz comin
you brought it on yourself
and you'll soon be toast ... .
and to the US exec
democracy iz not rockets and blowz
it's representin the decision
that the people have chose
I know that you know
but you don't act like you knowz
we've come az refugees to your countries
to bring freedom to foes
because oppressors can't free themselves
they're just as locked up as us too
read the pedagogy of the oppressed
so that Pablo Freire can review
just exactly how we're goin to go about
the liberation of you
how many women have you raped
abroad and at home
while still sayin that therez nothin wrong
with sexualizin everythin down to the bone
i've been so subject to this
and I know I'm not alone
I don't sleep
you don't sleep
how long can we keep
lookin at each other
sayin therez nothin wrong here at home
therez a fire in the kitchen
the food iz all burnt
the kidz are skippin schooL
drugz and sex is all they learnt
and your empty words just
turn turn and turn
spinnin lies
spinnin lies
closing eyes
killin lives
and at the end of the day
no one ever survives
this is your world
you've had your turn
let us have ourz
I promise
there'll be no such thingz
az political superpowerz
or old comfy white men
inside their safe ivory towers
callin for the fall of
napalm meteoroid showers
you cowards!
Come walk through the graves
Of the just, strong, and weak
And take big long breaths
So you can smell how you wreak
Checka checka
The new school books will have
So much more content to teach
The children will grow up strong
And as long as we continue to seek
We'll be able to correct the wrong
A better world we'll continue to reach

Common we can do this
Common yo we can do this

Common we can do this
Common yo we can do this

Common let's get together
Believe me itz not useless

This iz empowering to the people that know
But to the people who don't
Let me say it more slow

They want us to grow
And then throw us away
You don't think that's true
Just look at history
cuz I'm not just talking
About the US machine
I'm talkin about imperialism
And everywhere that itz been
chasin pyramids
Chasin gold
Chasin oil
Chasin green
Fightin for liberty
Or fightin for the queen
The bad guys tag team
And it seem they never lose
But look at mother earth
And every single bruise
And you'll be able to see their tracks
Or at least read the clues

Their views are all messed
Our water condition is stressed
A five year old child
gets a bomb on her chest
while someone gets flattered
about how nice they are dressed
and that's just another day
for us here in the west
people aiming to get through school
racist textbook and test
and those TV sitcoms
are mindless at best
repetitive garbage
every single season
and whether you know
or you don't
people grow up to be them
I see them
and also the demon inside
that takes away their reason
and fills it with lies
Like that NAFTA is good
but what a surprise
free trade in only made
so that we can enslave
a whole country’s economy
we’re not there to save
foreign markets or culture
that’s all a charade
we behave like we help
to create jobs... promote trade
but those legally bounding contracts
are the new imperial way
but don’t get me wrong
they still kill and they slay
roll in with mad aggression
marines, or C.I.A
politicians with their words
displacing the people
steaLin everythin in sight
like as if they really need it aLL
greedy. Lying, abusive colonialism
chased with a full glass
of ignorant consumerism

and when this isn’t the case
they’re still a disgrace
they have no respect
for any other race
this is lived out in so many wayz
tampering with the politics
of a populous
they not stopin this
they’ve rigged elections
here, to, and fro
it’s so common knowledge
people are like
“yeah!.. .well.. . I know!”
but this isn’t just somethin
that happened years ago
it happened again
this year (2006)
here in Mexico
isn’t that aLarming
how can we let that go
we don’t have to
but corprate media
won’t let you know
you’ll have to dig it yourself
but itz really easy yo
should be your daily show
they’ll tell you the truth
and play it blow for blow
the truth is out there
but you have to care
and dare to step out
itz not enough to be aware
and kinda know about
cuz that still leave too many
tricks and unresolved doubt

And my question is this
I hope I don’t miss
really! where is Europe
all up in this
how can they dismiss
that all this doesn’t exist
why are they silent
they’re silence is violence
they are progressive and all
but they’re hand are soaked in blood
why don’t they do somethin
its like they’re stuck in the mud
not willing to do a single thing for love

itz subtle but not
how do we get caught
locked up in a jail
and not know we’ve been bought
to work 40 hour weeks
and then go shop
we’re a cog in the system
until we resist them
we should dream
one hundred new worldz
and then we should list them
grab them in your fist
raise them to the air
and kiss them

Common we can do this
Common yo we can do this

Common we can do this
Common yo we can do this

Common let's get together

Believe me itz not useless


HipHop is a GifT

HipHop is a gift
and it was given to the people – people
people spoke the WORD
and you know it was heard
earz and mouthz popd
the beat dropd absurd
people thought it FRESH
yeah funky funky fresh (fi – fi – fresh)
it started saving Lives
people loved it to death
the music was a prize
people left outta breath
the culture dope n def
get your voice off your chest
the culture was obsessed
when the industry pressed
you know you can’t contest
that there was money to earn
but when did it turn
this Love into burn
this concern i discern
is the ugly return
of egyptian slavery
who agree a man free
is so much better off
makin money for me
now stick to north america
n thats what i see... .
the eurocentric name
wasn’t all that was passed
the indigenous and slaves
were given a mask
and told that makin money
was their only life task

everybody else was doin
so no question to ask

connections to the past
ignored or put last

cuz with a little bit a money
you have a little bit a class
but surpass the vast past
this is about us (HiPhoP)
hypnotic in itz nature (nay cha)
it can even medicate ya
but what if the pill pusher

really only hate ya

- JuLez (may 18, 2007)