snatchin up the mic

im snatchin up the mic
like how i rite
reaL tight!
fully intentional
and ready to fight
straight battlin ideas
steady turnin on light
Like minds together
shining stars in the night
when we gonna get together
bust our full force might
everyone knowz... .
Love aLwayz wins Rite? Rite?
PeopLe always Like. Like.
FeeLin aLright. Right?
so they give a few dollars
for some children not white. white.
poor underdeveloped
countries that they help
are actually fully developed
to be dependent on our wealth
and their health dont matter
so their population scatter
move to north america
forget and get fatter
the global south gets battered
our local youth get sadder
all of this matters
so everyone gets madder
cop Gun goes tat-ter
if your action really matter
you wanna make a change
but you don’t know how
get up and make a difference
Yes Right Now!
but watch out for the cop
that makes the gun go BLAOW!

- JuLez June 10, 2007


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