I sAiD LOVE is.. . .. what I gOt

So to anybody even trying to follow this blog, my sincere appologies. I've been caught up in life and circumstantial events. I really do LOVE you, I do.. . . and I LOVE everyone in the world. Now I hope that that last bit doesn't take away from the fact that i told you I LOVE you, but rather that you can sense how much LOVE I've got for everyone.
Awww ww, wasn't that nice. Now everyone give everybody a hug, and let's go out and change the world. After you finish reading this post ofcourse. you don't really have to go right now. maybe in like ten.
So what have I been up to? good ask.
hmmm ok, how to answer that without misleading you or overdetailing everything. Anybody out there a fan of Momento?? me too
Last night I was at a study session with the main group I volunteer with Development and Peace, and right now were studying (learning) one of the works of Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed. It's takes you through a process of recognizing that there are those in this world who are oppressed, and those who are the oppressors. Now before you plug your ears and start going La LA LA La La, I also think that majority of us (if you are reading this you have internet access and are probably not suffering of malnutrition and probably could go somewhere called home and sleep on a relatively comfortable bed) lie within a group that is both oppressed and an oppressor. Through our lifestyle and by actively being part of a North American / European-like society we are reaping benefits which derive from the exploitation of past, and of current nations. Our lifestyle would not be able to exist in the form it does, if we did not piggy back on these countries.
To illustrate that.
Say you one day realized.. . HEY, you know what. Life is pretty good. I like the fact that I can wake up in the morning, take a shower, pick out clothes to wear, eat breakfast, get in a car and drive on a road to work (take the bus and go to school), do a whole bunch of day time activities, come home, have dinner, decide if I would like to go watch a movie, go for a drink, go rock climbing, read a book, learn to play the violin... . and Hey! I want everyone in the world to have that same opportunity, to live a day just as I have today.
So if you decide you wanted to export our lifestyle out to the whole world, in some sense of equality, it wouldn't be possible. The only way we can have this lifestyle is by greatly taking advantage of whole nations around the world. This is done by supporting dictatorships that let us have access to their wealth for free, economically manipulating countries to take their resources and livelihood, by having unfair free trade agreements that exploit people and disregard national laws, and through other ways, or a combination of several ways.
By living absent mindedly, distracted, consumed in gratification and pleasure.. . . or even by just scraping by, we are accepting this system of living and are agreeing to its existence as it is and more damaging even we are actively contributing to it, therefore fortifying it and perpetuating it.
Now here is were we become the oppressed.
Does our society raise, breed, foster, a society who is courageous, critically analytical, historically knowledgeable.... . . a person who is a free thinker, a leader, a creative problem solver who is concerned with the well being of everyone else?
Does our society endorse, promote, instill: mistrust, ignorance, mis-information, individualism, and under false pretenses creates people who are self conscious, unknowing of reality (unaware), reactionary, unconcern (de-sensitized), who love to be led and fed lies.
And is this systematic? Are we to all be leaders and all be buisnessmen... . or are we to be followers and workers.
Does our government really represent us. .. . or do we just accept that they are, and we shape to their ideas. Is there true communication between the people and their 'leaders' ??
In school, as children, we don't learn about the true history of humanity, but rather we learn certain aspects of history-- in a way that will instill certain beliefs and values, that will later be used to control us. Our society is largely based on control of information and of one another.
We must realize this and stop being oppressors. Stop supporting oppressive ways of life, and furthermore join in solidarity with all whom are oppressed and work towards building a new world that has never existed.
When I began philosophically thinkin about what the meaning of life is, nothin I had learned made any sense. until I concluded that our life is a gift, and that purpose of life is to live.
We must create a new world that has never existed. A world where everyone has an equal opportunity to live. no hidden meaning behind that.
One Love for everything. And much peace to you all.
"that purpose of life is to live."
I'm Feeling u.!!
again..just found u'r blog, just reading up.
one LUV!!!
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