MuZak.. . pleeZ

GrEEn! ! ! .. .. .

I didn’t get much sleep last night, but I still feel like a billion mucks. I’m listening to some Digable Planet – Reunion Mixtape, and it’s allL g00d.
But let talk some music and shit that poppin over at the wonderful house of Benny. Really there’s tons everyday if you LoVe all music, but here’s a few highlights that I dig hard and are straight hips hops.
August 14th – Aesop Rock Labor Days .. . .. he’s dark. Unconventional in flow and voice modulation and straight in charge of his flow. He commands with his voice and till fill you with dark beats, but more so with the lyrics and the images that get painted in my head stroke by stroke, by word.. . .. . if you’re done downloading his music, go up one or two directories and look around that server, or whatever it is.. .. root directory, and you’ll see lots of hip hop lying around.
August 16th – Outkast. Ther double disk is there and their killer. This is the first chance I get to listen to them and man! what musicians they are. Andre izz cooler than cool, and he kills is on the last song after bringin in throughout. He sings and he make music. Speakerboxx is rump shakin, booty dancing, shoulder salt shakin hype with mad mad rappin.
August 17th – Beach boys and Kanye West college dropout remix. This is some dope shit. I think you’re really goin to like it.
August 19th – Sage Francis.. . he’s nuts-o and can rap like a mutha. I think he’s from the east coast, and I’ve heard a bit of him (I couldn’t download it, but I still completely recommend it, I can’t access rapidshare here at work… .. itz a bitch) and he is renown by hip hop heads and he funny as fuAk.
.. . …. … .. . Also on the 19th is Eminemz (underground? ?.. … really early) album Infinite from 96 I think and he sounds young with very on point with his rhymes and flow. The beats are totally unrefined and you get a feel for where he was at in his career. It reminds me, of early 90’s rap. And if you really dig his crazy flow, but not all of his latest work, you’ll dig this. He talks about shit emcees talk about when their getting started. Like when Pac started and he made a song about The Case of the Missing Microphone.. . . I got home, and said where’s my microphone?? . .. . don’t quote me on the name of the song or the lyrics, but that’s the gist of it. Em, talks about backstabbers, and being lyrically tight. It’s cool shit, but if don’t have it loud, or pay attention to the lyrics, or really appreciate hip hop usually it might sound monotonous cuz he doesn’t modulate his voice the way he does now a days. But his now known and recognized rhyming style is totally there and fun to hear. Check check it out.
August 20th – If you go down to the bottom this post there is a link to another site ‘e-junkie’ and she/he has a link to Kanye West’s upcoming album. Late Registration.. . . I’ve heard a lot of the songs that are dropping on that album, but I don’t have them all and I’m dieing to hear them and also to hear them in order the way he’s layed them out. I loVe kanye every day of the week. This album is for sure goin to be dope and if you heard Common’s last album ‘Be” U NO what time it is! ! Kan-yaYo brings it. Again. It’s rapidshare, and so I have to bide my time and wait for the album to come around to me somehow.
So yeah. I loVe music. It’s fun. It heals the soul. It brings people together. It makes me dance. It’s a form of expression. It’s nice. I like it.
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