Pac Poetry
Under The Skies Above
________________After the miscarriage
my child is ouT There somewhere
uNder the skies Above
waiting aNxiously 4 u and me
2 Bless it with our Love
a part oF me a part of U
and a part of This Love we share
will protect my UNBorN child
Who lives dormant OUT there Somewhere
SomeTimes iN my Dreams
I imagine what iT would Be like
How could I properly guide him
When eveN I doN’T kNow whaT’s right
Whether he is BorN in wealth or poverty
There will be No deficiency iN Love
I welcome this giFT of life
giveN from GOD uNder the Skies aBove
- Tupac
________________After the miscarriage
my child is ouT There somewhere
uNder the skies Above
waiting aNxiously 4 u and me
2 Bless it with our Love
a part oF me a part of U
and a part of This Love we share
will protect my UNBorN child
Who lives dormant OUT there Somewhere
SomeTimes iN my Dreams
I imagine what iT would Be like
How could I properly guide him
When eveN I doN’T kNow whaT’s right
Whether he is BorN in wealth or poverty
There will be No deficiency iN Love
I welcome this giFT of life
giveN from GOD uNder the Skies aBove
- Tupac
Backed into a corner
alone and very confused
Tired of running away
My manhood has been abused
Not my choice 2 be so blunt
But you must fight fire with flame
I allowed myself 2 run once
and was haunted by the shame
if I must kill I will and if I must do it again
I would but the situation is a no-win
bx luv
Life Through My Eyes
Life through my bloodshot eyes
would scare a square 2 death
poverty, murder, violence
and never a moment 2 rest
Fun and games R few
but treasured like gold 2 me
cuz i realize that I must return
2 my spot in poverty
But mock my words when I say
my heart will not exitst
unless my destiny comes through
and puts an end to all of this
can u feel it!!!
Fuckin Love it LiL.
Such a hard life with little to no choice, but yet resilient and lively. Always his own voice. A leader and model, but for who and then when?? Just one man.. . So I too know I can.
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